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Sunday, December 11, 2016

"AEGP Plugin AEDynamicLInkServer: Adobe Media Encoder is not installed" ERROR

For those of you using Adobe After Effects CC 2015 and Adobe Media Encoder.
You probably after you installation noticed that you get the above mentioned error while adding your composition to the RENDER queue in the Media Encoder.

If you have used a custom (other) path for your installation (ex other than the default C:\...) then that is you problem. After Effects expects to find Media Encoder at the Adobe C Drive default path.

No need to uninstall or do any crazy drastic actions but simply create a link to the new exe in your windows.

- Open a Command Prompt in Admin mode.
- Execute the following command
mklink /J "<your system drive letter>:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder CC 2015" "<Location of the custom folder>\Adobe Media Encoder CC 2015"

For example,
mklink /J "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder CC 2015" "D:\AdobeApps\Adobe Media Encoder CC 2015"

Big thank you to Adobe staff for above solution.

I have tested and worked right away!

Spiro, Call2Fixit


  1. both on the same drive. But it still shows error

    1. When you say its on the same drive do you mean C? Are they both at default path "C:\Program Files\Adobe\" or you haev changed the path. Please advise the exact path of your Adobe Media Encoder CC installation.

    2. I'm having the same issue, I have installed both AE and AME by default in C: and I still get the error

    3. yess m having the same problem what to do its nt working cmd thing

  2. As mentioned you can install it anywhere but Encoder needs to be or to link it as if it were in the original location.
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\
    You got nothing to lose... open cmd in admin mode (elevated permissions) and copy paste:
    mklink /J "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder CC 2015" "YourPathToEncoderFolder\Adobe Media Encoder CC 2015"

  3. C:\Users\saqib>mklink /J "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder CC 2017" "C:\Programs\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder CC 2017
    Cannot create a file when that file already exists.

    1. saqib hi,
      The solution works when Encoder is installed to another location and related to 2015.

      As I can see your error relates to 2017 and at default location. I think this is another problem.
      I cant replicate yours as I dont have the 2017.

      My post is related to "If you have used a custom (other) path for your installation (ex other than the default C:\...) then that is you problem. After Effects expects to find Media Encoder at the Adobe C Drive default path."

  4. Thanks!

    You saved my day!

    This works perfectly even with the Portable version.

  5. hola tengo el mismo problema pero con la version 2018, tienes alguna solucion q puedas brindarme? me dice q no se puede encontrar la ruta

  6. I've been searching for some time now and can't find a solution for mac?

    1. Hi Hagen I wish I could help with Mac but dont have one to test or give more detailed feedback.

  7. Thank you for positive feedback!
